By ExcellenceResumes – World’s Leading Resume and LinkedIn Profile Optimisation Agency.
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The resume process is one of the prevailing ways for hiring managers to weed out applicants and find the right talent for the job the soonest possible.
So, it goes without saying that crafting a resume is a big deal that deserves proper attention if you want to break into the industry you are interested in. Although no resume is flawless, with minor exceptions perhaps, avoiding the most common mistakes will help yours land in the “to call for interview” stack. To have greater chances to achieve that, you definitely need the help of a resume writing professional that has to be a native English speaker without a doubt.
Because your resume has to be the closest to perfection.
1. Right level of English
Recruiters have a significantly small amount of time to dedicate per resume, especially considering that they receive 10s and even 100s of resumes for a position. In fact, they don’t want to spend more than 15-20 seconds to determine whether an applicant could be a good fit for the job. So, in just 20 secs, the prospect employee skims through a resume and makes a decision as to whether to ditch or keep that resume for future reference.
Although they won’t read every line, a wrong level of English is something that is hard to miss. Using the best language is key to connect with your audience, be it a recruiter or your college teachers.
When it comes to writing resumes, it is paramount the language is professional, precise, and clear and non-English speakers often fall into the trap and craft either too technical or overly casual resumes, distinguished by acronyms, jargon, figurative language, and slang.
This will never allow your resume to survive the recruiter’s skim process. A native English speaker will know how to use the language properly and just sprinkle just enough technical terms into your resume (if that’s necessary) to make the right impression. Would you like to get a direct access to the latest checklist to see if your resume is actually good? Click HERE.
2. Resume Free From Grammar Mistakes & Typos
Your resume should decidedly be grammatically correct. Any weakness in spelling and grammar will show and will affect the hiring manager’s decision.
Non-native English speakers will rely on word processors to track and fix typos, as well as software to fix grammar mistakes. However, many typos are valid words that a processor or software won’t fix. These reveal a lack of attention to detail, which is something no potential employer will cherish in an employee.
That aside, a person that has grown up using the English language and living with people speaking the language probably knows best how to say what needs to be said and how to make it sound appealing.
It has become apparent that if you want to craft the best resume to impress, you need some external help.
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Junior Career Level
- For Young Professionals.
- Less than 5 years experience.
Mostly have short work
experiences and internships. -
We’ll highlight them in such a
way that recruiters will beg
you for an interview!
Middle Career Level
- For Experienced Professionals.
- 5 to 10 years experience.
Fairly established in your career
and want to increase your pay. -
(Our clients land jobs with
salary up to 50% higher!) Or
simply want a new challenge?
Senior Career Level
- For Senior Professionals.
- Over 10 years experience.
The main challenge is to highlight all
your experiences in a few lines and organise them efficiently. - We'll optimise your brand, showcasing your experience concisely and impactfully.