By ExcellenceResumes – World’s Leading Resume and LinkedIn Profile Optimisation Agency.
Scroll down to access the article.
Important Notice: ExcellenceResumes has recently released the most efficient job-hunting, recruitment interview, and salary negotiation guides of all times. They will change the way you have been searching for jobs and handling interviews forever. With these guides, you will land more interviews, improve your conversion rate, and be offered better roles, with a higher salary. Some of our clients land their next role in only a few days, others manage to negotiate salary raises of more than 70%. These guides come for free with any triple package: Resume + LinkedIn profile + Cover Letter Optimisation.
See them below:
>> Click HERE to Select Your Best Package And Get Closer to Your Dream Job <<
Note 1: This complimentary checklist aims to help a maximum number of people understand the “secrets” for a LinkedIn profile that gets results. Please enjoy it, learn from it, and most importantly: TAKE ACTION!
Note 2: Be kind! SHARE this checklist with a maximum number of people. Use the sharing bar at the side or at the top of your screen to send it to your friends and colleagues via Whatsapp, Facebook, or even to create a LinkedIn post that will get you some profile views! Feel free to mention @Fabien Ghys, Director of ExcellenceResumes, for even more exposure.
Note 3: To our competitors who enjoy copying us so much: once again, ExcellenceResumes is setting the pace, as you can see. You are most welcome to use this checklist, but do yourself a favour: DO NOT BLINDLY COPY IT OR, EVEN WORSE, PRETEND YOU’VE PREPARED IT. It doesn’t make you look good in front of your audience…and we are watching you 😉
Are you looking for a new job, or for more business on LinkedIn? Would you like to know how to attract recruiters or potential clients who are eager to discuss professional opportunities with you? Do you wonder why your LinkedIn profile is NOT GENERATING OPPORTUNITIES? Are you asking yourself why some people receive many more LinkedIn invitations than others from recruiters and companies who want to WORK WITH THEM?
We have the answers. The way you position yourself on LinkedIn is CRITICAL to your success. Optimising your LinkedIn profile, although an often difficult and tedious task, is crucial to your success and you can’t afford to make any mistakes.
All the Recruiters are on LinkedIn, and they are constantly searching for talents, but there are thousands of people with profiles similar to yours. You MUST stand out from the crowd.
LinkedIn uses complicated and constantly changing algorithms that even the most knowledgeable LinkedIn experts struggle to understand, but there are some fundamental principles that if applied correctly will maximise your chances of gaining the best results:
1- You must look professional and convincing.
2- Your profile must be optimised with all the relevant keywords.
3- The content must be well-written and persuasive.
4- You must engage and be active on the platform.
We have created the checklist below to help you with your job search, or to help you find more clients. While not all the boxes are relevant to someone looking for business on LinkedIn, they all are for job seekers. Achieve 100% boxes ticked and your LinkedIn profile will definitely start to generate a raft of opportunities.
Be honest with yourself and tick the box for ‘YES’ or leave it blank for ‘NO’.
TICK THE BOX IF THE REPLY IS “YES”, and see you at the end of the checklist for the results!
Do your LinkedIn Profile & Background Picture look professional?
Is it YOU in your LinkedIn profile picture?
Does your profile picture CLEARLY show your face?
Are you alone in your profile picture?
Is your face free from unnecessary accessories? Hats, caps and sunglasses are NOT recommended in most situations.
Are you SMILING in your profile picture?
Was your profile picture taken by someone else? (‘Selfies’ are NOT recommended)
Was your profile picture taken by a professional?
Is your profile picture less than 3 years old?
Have you changed your background image?
Is your background image relevant to your industry?
Have you inserted a quote, a personal website address, a logo, or anything else that stands out in your background image?
Is your background image in high resolution? Low-quality images will negatively affect your hit rate.
Is Your LinkedIn Summary PERFECTLY Presented?
Is your summary written in the first person? It is NOT recommended to write in the third person on LinkedIn.
Does your summary start with a general statement describing your profile and expertise?
Did you include at least one professional achievement in your summary?
Have you included all your industry keywords and main areas of expertise in your summary?
Have you included at least one call-to-action in your summary? It can be an email address, a website to visit, or even a phone number.
Is your summary perfectly formatted? In other words, does it look organised?
Do you use punctuation, symbols or bullet points to separate the different categories?
Does your summary include any recommendations from colleagues or clients? A short sentence would suffice.
Does your summary answer these questions: WHO AM I, WHAT DO I DO, HOW DO I DO IT and WHY AM I GOOD AT IT? (show some proof, like numbers)
Does your summary include your top 5 skills? Since 2023, there is an option to feature the top 5 skills you want to be known for.
Do you make full use of the 2600 characters available for the summary? The content must, obviously, be relevant, but the more content, the higher your chances are that you will rank for the keywords included.
Is Your Work Experience PERFECTLY Presented?
Is all your relevant work experience in your profile?
Are all the work experience dates correct?
Are all your employer logos showing? (The logo should appear automatically after you add the company. If it doesn’t inform your employer)
Do you clearly separate your responsibilities from your achievements for each position?
Are your achievements quantified? If confidentiality is an issue, use percentages instead of values.
Are your achievements detailed? Do you clearly explain how you achieved the results?
Do you have at least one colleague or client recommendation per position? Ask for recommendations if you do not have any.
Do you use bullet points and/or symbols to list your achievements?
Is everything accurate and verifiable?
Do you make full use of the 2000 characters available for each position? The content must obviously be relevant, but the more content, the higher your chances are to rank for the keywords included.
Is Your Education PERFECTLY Presented?
Is your education up-to-date?
Are all the dates correct?
Did you include the scan of your diplomas as a proof that you actually passed the exams?
Did you translate your diplomas into English, if relevant?
Skills, Endorsements, Recommendations and Accomplishments
Did you add the maximum number of skills (50) to your profile? Having the maximum number of skills will help your profile rank higher.
Have all your skills been endorsed by at least tens different people? There is no magic number here, but ten endorsements per skill is a good start for a beginner as it will help your profile rank higher.
Are all your skills relevant to your profile?
Have you been recommended by at least five people? Again, there is no magic number, but getting at least five recommendations is a good target as it will boost your credibility.
Have you added your languages, and if relevant your awards and other recognition?
Overall Checking
Did you use premium software to check your content or have it proofread by a professional? You cannot afford grammar or spelling mistakes.
Did you check how your profile looks on other devices? We recommend you check it out on PC and MAC and on IOS and ANDROID from a mobile.
Did you insert your real name? Avoid nicknames, you must be easy to find in any searches.
Are your industry and location up-to-date?
LinkedIn Settings and Behaviour
Did you activate the “open candidate option”? This option notifies recruiters that you are looking for opportunities. (Don’t worry, your boss won’t be notified)
Did you go through ALL the settings, with no exception, and verify them all?
Do you explore the “JOBS” menu at least once a week to see what is in there for you?
Do you post at least once a week? Short posts are good.
Did you post at least five long articles on LinkedIn? Well researched articles help you gain authority within your industry: recruiters love them!
Do you engage with other users’ posts and articles at least once a week? Engaging with posts and articles helps boost your visibility.
When you message someone, do you always try to establish a relationship before asking for a favour?
When you message someone, do you always add greetings at the beginning and end of your message?
Before sending a contact request to someone, do you always double check what this person does to make sure you know exactly how they can help you?
When sending a contact request, do you always add a personalised note?
Did you shorten your LinkedIn profile URL? A personalised LinkedIn URL without any number looks way more professional.
Did you activate the “open profile” option? It allows people to contact you via “inMail” without having to purchase any credit for it.
Do you check at least once a week “who has viewed your profile” and visit these profiles back to see what they do and if you should connect with them?
Do you make use of all the “inMails” included in your subscription?
Did you make use of the “on-demand learning” included in your subscription?
Do you know exactly what you are paying for?
JOB DONE? Not yet!
From these 67 boxes, identify how many are NOT TICKED and, once you are done, keep reading.
This checklist has been kept to its most simple form. At ExcellenceResumes, we go through the process in much more detail to ensure that our clients’ LinkedIn profiles convert as effectively as possible and get them hired fast, or get them more business.
➡️ If you failed to tick 12 boxes or more, you need to start working on your profile right now. It is a top priority. Alternatively you can get our help by clicking HERE, and get your LinkedIn profile sorted in three days only.
Your LinkedIn profile can help you get your foot in the door of the company, or of the client, of your dreams. Click HERE to maximise your chances of getting results FAST, and grab your complimentary gifts (free with our triple package)
💙 Sharing is Caring 💙
Click on the Facebook, Whatsapp or LinkedIn logo at the bottom of this page, and send this checklist to your friends!
Want to take a shortcut and delegate this tasks to the experts?
Check out the options below ⬇️
By ExcellenceResumes – World’s Leading Resume and LinkedIn Profile Optimisation Agency.
Scroll down to access the article.
Important Notice: ExcellenceResumes has recently released the most efficient interview and job search guides of all times. They will change the way you have been searching for job and handling interviews forever, and come for free with any triple package: Resume + LinkedIn profile + Cover Letter Optimisation.
See them below:
Click on the image to download the Free digital guide “High-Converting Resume Domination” and discover what methods some of the Most Successful Professionals in the World use to consistently land the best jobs.
Currently, this digital guide is absolutely free of charge.
It might be removed from our website ANYTIME.
>> Click HERE to Select Your Best Package And Get Closer to Your Dream Job <<
Note 1: This complimentary checklist aims to help a maximum number of people understand the “secrets” for a LinkedIn profile that gets results. Please enjoy it, learn from it, and most importantly: TAKE ACTION!
Note 2: Be kind! SHARE this checklist with a maximum number of people. Use the sharing bar at the side or at the top of your screen to send it to your friends and colleagues via Whatsapp, Facebook, or even to create a LinkedIn post that will get you some profile views! Feel free to mention @Fabien Ghys, Director of ExcellenceResumes, for even more exposure.
Note 3: To our competitors who enjoy copying us so much: once again, ExcellenceResumes is setting the pace, as you can see. You are most welcome to use this checklist, but do yourself a favour: DO NOT BLINDLY COPY IT OR, EVEN WORSE, PRETEND YOU’VE PREPARED IT. It doesn’t make you look good in front of your audience…and we are watching you 😉
Are you looking for a new job, or for more business on LinkedIn? Would you like to know how to attract recruiters or potential clients who are eager to discuss professional opportunities with you? Do you wonder why your LinkedIn profile is NOT GENERATING OPPORTUNITIES? Are you asking yourself why some people receive many more LinkedIn invitations than others from recruiters and companies who want to WORK WITH THEM?
We have the answers. The way you position yourself on LinkedIn is CRITICAL to your success. Optimising your LinkedIn profile, although an often difficult and tedious task, is crucial to your success and you can’t afford to make any mistakes.
All the Recruiters are on LinkedIn, and they are constantly searching for talents, but there are thousands of people with profiles similar to yours. You MUST stand out from the crowd.
LinkedIn uses complicated and constantly changing algorithms that even the most knowledgeable LinkedIn experts struggle to understand, but there are some fundamental principles that if applied correctly will maximise your chances of gaining the best results:
1- You must look professional and convincing.
2- Your profile must be optimised with all the relevant keywords.
3- The content must be well-written and persuasive.
4- You must engage and be active on the platform.
We have created the checklist below to help you with your job search, or to help you find more clients. While not all the boxes are relevant to someone looking for business on LinkedIn, they all are for job seekers. Achieve 100% boxes ticked and your LinkedIn profile will definitely start to generate a raft of opportunities.
Be honest with yourself and tick the box for ‘YES’ or leave it blank for ‘NO’.
TICK THE BOX IF THE REPLY IS “YES”, and see you at the end of the checklist for the results!
Do your LinkedIn Profile & Background Picture look professional?
Is it YOU in your LinkedIn profile picture?
Does your profile picture CLEARLY show your face?
Are you alone in your profile picture?
Is your face free from unnecessary accessories? Hats, caps and sunglasses are NOT recommended in most situations.
Are you SMILING in your profile picture?
Was your profile picture taken by someone else? (‘Selfies’ are NOT recommended)
Was your profile picture taken by a professional?
Is your profile picture less than 3 years old?
Have you changed your background image?
Is your background image relevant to your industry?
Have you inserted a quote, a personal website address, a logo, or anything else that stands out in your background image?
Is your background image in high resolution? Low-quality images will negatively affect your hit rate.
Is Your LinkedIn Summary PERFECTLY Presented?
Is your summary written in the first person? It is NOT recommended to write in the third person on LinkedIn.
Does your summary start with a general statement describing your profile and expertise?
Did you include at least one professional achievement in your summary?
Have you included all your industry keywords and main areas of expertise in your summary?
Have you included at least one call-to-action in your summary? It can be an email address, a website to visit, or even a phone number.
Is your summary perfectly formatted? In other words, does it look organised?
Do you use punctuation, symbols or bullet points to separate the different categories?
Does your summary include any recommendations from colleagues or clients? A short sentence would suffice.
Does your summary answer these questions: WHO AM I, WHAT DO I DO, HOW DO I DO IT and WHY AM I GOOD AT IT? (show some proof, like numbers)
Does your summary include your top 5 skills? Since 2023, there is an option to feature the top 5 skills you want to be known for.
Do you make full use of the 2600 characters available for the summary? The content must, obviously, be relevant, but the more content, the higher your chances are that you will rank for the keywords included.
Is Your Work Experience PERFECTLY Presented?
Is all your relevant work experience in your profile?
Are all the work experience dates correct?
Are all your employer logos showing? (The logo should appear automatically after you add the company. If it doesn’t inform your employer)
Do you clearly separate your responsibilities from your achievements for each position?
Are your achievements quantified? If confidentiality is an issue, use percentages instead of values.
Are your achievements detailed? Do you clearly explain how you achieved the results?
Do you have at least one colleague or client recommendation per position? Ask for recommendations if you do not have any.
Do you use bullet points and/or symbols to list your achievements?
Is everything accurate and verifiable?
Do you make full use of the 2000 characters available for each position? The content must obviously be relevant, but the more content, the higher your chances are to rank for the keywords included.
Is Your Education PERFECTLY Presented?
Is your education up-to-date?
Are all the dates correct?
Did you include the scan of your diplomas as a proof that you actually passed the exams?
Did you translate your diplomas into English, if relevant?
Skills, Endorsements, Recommendations and Accomplishments
Did you add the maximum number of skills (50) to your profile? Having the maximum number of skills will help your profile rank higher.
Have all your skills been endorsed by at least tens different people? There is no magic number here, but ten endorsements per skill is a good start for a beginner as it will help your profile rank higher.
Are all your skills relevant to your profile?
Have you been recommended by at least five people? Again, there is no magic number, but getting at least five recommendations is a good target as it will boost your credibility.
Have you added your languages, and if relevant your awards and other recognition?
Overall Checking
Did you use premium software to check your content or have it proofread by a professional? You cannot afford grammar or spelling mistakes.
Did you check how your profile looks on other devices? We recommend you check it out on PC and MAC and on IOS and ANDROID from a mobile.
Did you insert your real name? Avoid nicknames, you must be easy to find in any searches.
Are your industry and location up-to-date?
LinkedIn Settings and Behaviour
Did you activate the “open candidate option”? This option notifies recruiters that you are looking for opportunities. (Don’t worry, your boss won’t be notified)
Did you go through ALL the settings, with no exception, and verify them all?
Do you explore the “JOBS” menu at least once a week to see what is in there for you?
Do you post at least once a week? Short posts are good.
Did you post at least five long articles on LinkedIn? Well researched articles help you gain authority within your industry: recruiters love them!
Do you engage with other users’ posts and articles at least once a week? Engaging with posts and articles helps boost your visibility.
When you message someone, do you always try to establish a relationship before asking for a favour?
When you message someone, do you always add greetings at the beginning and end of your message?
Before sending a contact request to someone, do you always double check what this person does to make sure you know exactly how they can help you?
When sending a contact request, do you always add a personalised note?
Did you shorten your LinkedIn profile URL? A personalised LinkedIn URL without any number looks way more professional.
Did you activate the “open profile” option? It allows people to contact you via “inMail” without having to purchase any credit for it.
Do you check at least once a week “who has viewed your profile” and visit these profiles back to see what they do and if you should connect with them?
Do you make use of all the “inMails” included in your subscription?
Did you make use of the “on-demand learning” included in your subscription?
Do you know exactly what you are paying for?
JOB DONE? Not yet!
From these 67 boxes, identify how many are NOT TICKED and, once you are done, keep reading.
This checklist has been kept to its most simple form. At ExcellenceResumes, we go through the process in much more detail to ensure that our clients’ LinkedIn profiles convert as effectively as possible and get them hired fast, or get them more business.
➡️ If you failed to tick 12 boxes or more, you need to start working on your profile right now. It is a top priority. Alternatively you can get our help by clicking HERE, and get your LinkedIn profile sorted in three days only.
Your LinkedIn profile can help you get your foot in the door of the company, or of the client, of your dreams. Click HERE to maximise your chances of getting results FAST, and grab your complimentary gifts (free with our triple package)
💙 Sharing is Caring 💙
Click on the Facebook, Whatsapp or LinkedIn logo at the bottom of this page, and send this checklist to your friends!
Want to take a shortcut and delegate this tasks to the experts?
Check out the options below ⬇️
Junior Career Level
- For Young Professionals.
- Less than 5 years experience.
Mostly have short work
experiences and internships. -
We’ll highlight them in such a
way that recruiters will beg
you for an interview!
Middle Career Level
- For Experienced Professionals.
- 5 to 10 years experience.
Fairly established in your career
and want to increase your pay. -
(Our clients land jobs with
salary up to 50% higher!) Or
simply want a new challenge?
Senior Career Level
- For Senior Professionals.
- Over 10 years experience.
The main challenge is to highlight all
your experiences in a few lines and organise them efficiently. - We'll optimise your brand, showcasing your experience concisely and impactfully.