By ExcellenceResumes – World’s Leading Resume and LinkedIn Profile Optimisation Agency.
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When you are applying for a job, it is important to include a cover letter along with your CV or resume. The usually single-page document explains to the recruiter why you make a great fit for the role and how your addition to the company’s workforce will add value to the organization. Below are some tips to help open doors for you.
How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job Application
The role of a cover letter is to highlight your most relevant experiences and qualifications so it should include your specific skills for the position. All cover letters are divided into three sections:
- The introduction: You refer to the purpose of writing the cover letter. First of all, you need to find out to whom you will be writing. This is to avoid the 1800s “Dear Sir/Madame” or the irritating (to hiring managers) “To whom it may concern”, which could cost you a chance for a job interview. Writing a good cover letter involves some good research on your side. So, look through the company’s LinkedIn or website or simply call them and ask for the recruiter’s name.
Second step is to introduce yourself by mentioning the position you are applying for and how you found the job listing. The rest of the introductory paragraph should present basic information about yourself, like your area of expertise or study, degree, and career aspirations in terms of how these align with the company’s values and goals. Just be brief and to-the-point.
- The body: You discuss your relevant skills and qualifications. This is the time to offer something different than what you have included in your resume (no need to duplicate your resume). You may use a bit more personal language than in resume bullet points. For example, you can mention a narrative about your career and work experience. Remember that the goal here is to get yourself a job interview. Therefore, offer info about your background and your experience which demonstrates that you are a strong candidate for the job. Learning how to write a cover letter that can move you to the next step – that of a job interview – is all about figuring out how to emphasise your strengths. Think about things like what you can bring to the role and how other jobs have prepared you for the position. A little secret to bear in mind when considering how to write a cover letter that stands a good chance is to make sure your cover letter has phrases and words from the job description.
- The closing: You provide follow-up details and contact information. Don’t forget to include a thank you at the end of the cover letter.
Note: If you choose to use a CV template, make sure it is properly customised per the particular job listing’s description.
How to Write a Cover Letter – Final Tips:
- If you are new to this and wish to write your cover letters and CV by yourself, you may download a CV sample, of the many available online, and use it. Chances are, though, that the more you dig into resume writing, the more you will realise that this is not good practice. Nevertheless, it is a good way to start when you have no clue how to write a cover letter.
- If you are emailing the cover letter, ensure the subject line of the email lists the job title and our name. Your email signature should also include your contact information. No need to list the employer’s contact information or date.
Hiring a professional CV writer to craft your cover letter will certainly increase your chances of landing a dream job as they will create a strictly personalised cover letter, resume or CV for each job listing you are applying for. That way, you will not only get yourself a killer document but also learn in-depth tips on how to write a cover letter that steals impressions!
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