By ExcellenceResumes – World’s Leading Resume and LinkedIn Profile Optimisation Agency.
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A very easy way to stand out from others competing for a job is to send a thank you note following the interview. Many job hunters don’t even send a note, maybe because they believe it isn’t necessary (YES IT IS), or maybe because they are not sure about what to say!
RELATED: How to catch recruiters’ attention
A good thank you note that really makes you stand out in an outstanding way will say a lot more than just “thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you.”
This letter is an amazing opportunity to boost your chance of getting the position you’ve been interviewed for, so you really need to take full advantage of it. It can get you hired. Craft a straight to the point and sincere note.
The most effective thank you note shall be structured this way:
Start with the accepted social pleasantries.
Thank them for the interview. Possibly, mention that you enjoyed it.
Remind that you are a great fit for the position.
Talk about your skills and abilities and why they are a great match. Say that what you learned during the interview made you even more motivated about the job. Mention something that you talked about that caused you to believe this.
Add something new (if necessary)
Now that you’ve had a possibility to process the interview, maybe you realize you forgot to mention something important, or that you need to amend a misconception. That’s the perfect occasion to do so!
Say that you’ll follow up and say when.
You’ve asked the interviewer when they plan to make their decision (you should always ask this at the end of an interview), so you can add “If I haven’t heard from you by Tuesday (or any other day they gave you), I will get back to you” On that day, you can email or even call. This last piece is very important. Simply tell them when you will follow up with them—and then DO IT. This is a step where many job hunters are unsure, but don’t be. Don’t be scared to call to find out the status of the decision. You’re interested, and you have to know.
To summarize:
Address it to the interviewer (Dear Mr.Lee or Stephen, depending on where you left the interview conversation)
Thank them for the chance to speak with them
Mention a few (2 or 3) reasons that support a decision to hire you
Tell them that you look forward to talking to them again
Announce when you’ll follow up with a phone call or an email (usually 2-3 days)
This last piece is important. Tell them when you will follow up with them—and then do it. This is an area where many job seekers are uncertain, but don’t be. Don’t be afraid to call to find out the status of the hiring decision. You’re interested, and you need to know. It’s good communication. Use it to keep the conversation moving forward to a job offer.
Got it? Prepare your own thank you letter or let us craft it for you. Click here!
Junior Career Level
- For Young Professionals.
- Less than 5 years experience.
Mostly have short work
experiences and internships. -
We’ll highlight them in such a
way that recruiters will beg
you for an interview!
Middle Career Level
- For Experienced Professionals.
- 5 to 10 years experience.
Fairly established in your career
and want to increase your pay. -
(Our clients land jobs with
salary up to 50% higher!) Or
simply want a new challenge?
Senior Career Level
- For Senior Professionals.
- Over 10 years experience.
The main challenge is to highlight all
your experiences in a few lines and organise them efficiently. - We'll optimise your brand, showcasing your experience concisely and impactfully.