By ExcellenceResumes – World’s Leading Resume and LinkedIn Profile Optimisation Agency.
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Career transitions usually come with an intense need to take shortcuts and truth be told, they are rarely easy, unless you don’t hurry the process and plan your steps carefully. One small mistake can have significant ramifications in the long run, which is why understanding the various parts of a job hunt is indeed crucial to laying an effective job-search strategy. Of course, you are not called to apply for every single job advertised on a job board and you certainly don’t need to write down everything you have been responsible for over the course of time and call it a CV or set up a bare-bones LinkedIn profile.
To help you get that dream job, here are 5 things you can do to open the doors of success for you!
Catalogue your Skills and Achievements
Even if you are in midcareer and the only thing you actually want is το just offer the same services you have been offering somewhere else, you need to figure out what it is you have to offer an employer. The same applies when you are eager about taking a step forward in a linear path. So, take your time and list your achievements and skills before you starτ crafting your resume.
Now, if you are just starting out or are interested in changing lanes and have a shift in your career altogether, there are several self-assessment tools that can help you. That aside, you can always learn much from those that have already travelled the intended path so arrange for informational interviews.
Clarify what the Employer Wants
Consider this phase the market research you have to do to figure out employer’s needs before launching your campaign. Decide on the types of jobs you are interested in and check out the openings that look like for those types. Bear in mind that rushing to apply for the job that excites you doesn’t trump the quality of your application. First note the skills and responsibilities required, as well as the particular experience needed.
Update your Social Media & LinkedIn Profiles
Your social media profiles should all be updated (current, flattering photo, accurate profile blurb, etc.) and reflect your professional skills very subtly, without reading like a job application. Also, make sure you untag any unwanted or unflattering pics and delete tweets or posts that may put your candidacy at risk.
As for your LinkedIn profile, revise it accordingly (summary should always include your current career objective), provide recommendations and ask for endorsements that reflect your job search. It is important your online resume has a professional picture and all your newest accomplishments.
Googling yourself is, perhaps, one of the smartest moves you can make. Make sure your top results are print media or articles regarding work you have done for other organisations that reflect your personality and work, as well as links to your accounts (i.e. Facebook and LinkedIn). If your search turns up negative results, remove them with the help of Reputation Changer, a service designed to leave your online presence free of past mistakes on the Internet.
If you have personal blogs (i.e. Tumblr, Instagram, etc.), better use avatars to keep your personal life out of the focus. Your name should only associate with your professional work and not your personal
In general, choose anonymous handles for anything you don’t want your new colleagues and employer to see (i.e. diet sites, dating sites, ).
Get Published
Writing a well-placed blog about your industry (i.e. industry trends, a discovery you made while working, etc.) and get it published in the blog section of a reputed online magazine, such as Huffington Post, is relatively easy. Remember to write well of your industry and always stay positive. Think of it as an audition for work in the future, so it is much more than simply sharing your opinions.
Get Expert Help
Getting someone that knows the ropes is definitely one of the most important things you can do to hone your message. Make sure your resume is just perfect before you take it on the road. This is where we step in and change the scenery with stelar, eye-catching resumes that will make head-hunters race to have you!
Junior Career Level
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Mostly have short work
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We’ll highlight them in such a
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Middle Career Level
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- 5 to 10 years experience.
Fairly established in your career
and want to increase your pay. -
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Senior Career Level
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The main challenge is to highlight all
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